
From the Field: Building and Maintaining Strong Networks to Address Tobacco, Poverty, and Development

Author: Debra Efroymson and Loris Jones
Publisher: HealthBridge Foundation of Canada
Type: Used Book


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We wish to acknowledge the significant number of government agencies, NGOs, other organizations, and individuals who work tirelessly every day in tobacco control. Without their enthusiasm and dedication to the issues of tobacco control and poverty reduction, the types of networks described in this guide would not exist. In particular, we thank our partners who shared their many experiences and lessons learned with us as this guide was produced. The contributors to this guide include: Joy Alampay, Southeast Asia Tobacco Control Alliance Jacqui Drope, American Cancer Society Prakash Gupta, Healis ‐ Sekhsaria Institute for Public Health (India) Le Viet Hoa, HealthBridge (Vietnam) Maïga Djibo Ibrahim, SOS Tabagisme‐Niger Paula Johns, Aliança de Controle do Tabagismo (ACT) (Brazil) Mirta A. Molinari, International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) Shanta Lall Mulmi, Resource Center for Primary Health Care (RECPHEC) (Nepal) Md. Rashedujjaman Shamim, WBB Trust (Bangladesh) Yvona Tous, Framework Convention Alliance

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