

Author: Bangladesh National Geographical Assocation
Publisher: Bangladesh National Geographical Association
Pages: 148
Type: New Book


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Gradient changes of any morphology can be characterized mainly by the distinctive geo-environmental processes and anthropogenic parameters. The gradual change of an estuarine morphology can reflected by coastal morphodynamic behaviours. Generally an estuary contains a strong hydrogeomorphological, morphodynamical, sedimentological, chemical and bio-ecological zone.

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Bangladesh National Geographical Association (BNGA) a national organization of professional geographers founded in 1973. The main aims and objectives of the association are to raise and stimulate awareness of geography and environment matters in schools, colleges, universities, and the public at large. Among the activities of the BNGA are to publish a biannual research journal, Journal of Bangladesh Geographical Association and to organize national level geographical conferences after every two years. It also publishes various research reports occasionally. The association supports research and education and encourages activities that expand geographical knowledge in the country and apply geographical knowledge to national economic development. In this connection, Bangladesh National Geographical Association takes up various programmes on research, discussion, conferences, display, observation, and publication.