
Alberta the Abominable Snowthing

Author: Tessa Krailing
Publisher: Puffin Books
Type: Used Book

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THE DAY ALBERTA got air-lifted to England was the most amazing day of her life.

At first she knew nothing about it, because she was asleep. She had been asleep for the past three months, like most of the other creatures who lived in the Arctic wastes of Canada, while outside the snow fell, the wind blew and the temperature dropped to forty degrees below zero.


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Tessa Krailing was the author of more than forty children's books. Before becoming an author she worked at the BBC for six years and as a teacher for 15 years. Her first book, A Dinosaur Called Minerva was published in 1980 by Scholastic. Her other books include Cinderella in Blue Jeans (1984), Message from Venus (1996), the Petsitters' Club series and The Haunting of Gull Cottage (1996).