
Fluid Mechanics

Author: Frank M. White
Publisher: Tata Mcgraw Hill Education
Type: New Book


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300 TK
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The book provides a well-balanced coverage of physical concepts, mathematical operations and practical demonstrations within the scope of Fluid Mechanics. The text provides a highly intuitive and practical understanding of the topics by excellent progression from physical concepts to engineering applications. The concepts have been presented in an unambiguous, precise and to the point manner. 

Key Features: 

Architecture, Programming, Interfacing of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers explained in lucid language
Hands-on approach through applications such as Traffic Control, Keyboard Interfacing, Stepper Motor Control, Seven-Segment Display, Control of Firing Circuit of a Thyristor 

Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Pressure Distribution in a Fluid
3. Integral Relations for a Control Volume
4. Differential Relation for Fluid Flow
5. Dimensional Analysis and Similarity
6. Viscous Flow in Ducts
7. Flow Past Immersed Bodies
8. Potential Flow and Computational Fluid Dynamics
9. Compressible Flow
10. Open-Channel Flow
11. Turbomachinery

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