
Mobile Communications : For Anna University

Author: Jochen Schiller
Publisher: Pearson Education
Type: New Book


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240 TK
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The mobile communications market remains the fastest growing segment of the global computing and communications business. The rapid progress and convergence of the field has created a need for new techniques and solutions, knowledgeable professionals to create and implement them, and courses to teach the background theory and technologies while pointing the way towards future trends. In this book Jochen Schiller draws on his extensive experience to provide a thorough grounding in mobile communications, describing the state of the art in industry and research while giving a detailed technical background to the area. The book covers all the important aspects of mobile and wireless communications from the internet to signals, access protocols and cellular systems, emphasizing the key area of digital data transfer. It uses a wide range of examples and other teaching aids, making it suitable for self-study and university classes.

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