
Case History and Data Interpretation in Medical Practice

Author: A.B.M. Abdullah
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
Type: New Book


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990 TK
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This book has incorporated the techniques for a logical and accurate interpretation of the clinical information according to the modern examination system. The first edition of this book was published with the intention of helping students learn the basics of data interpretation and practice by themselves. Its huge popularity and wide acceptance among students have encouraged the author to upgrade the book and bring out this new edition enriched with new cases and pictures of a variety of clinical conditions. 100 new clinical cases have been added. The text contains variety in clinical setup and the amount of data provided in each setup. Includes data on cardiac catheterization and a whole new chapter on pictorial diagnosis which contains 100 clinical pictures. Various modifications have been made in the book according to various innovative suggestions made by teachers and students. Incorporates many long and short questions with proper investigations, largely based on the real cases. Answers are given with brief short notes of the specific problems so that the reader can get some idea without going through a big textbook. The book will help increase a doctors competence, and skill in diagnosing a particular disease, formulating specific investigations, and proper management.

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