
Manufacturing Consent : The Political Economy of the Mass Media

Author: Noam Chomsky , Edward S. Herman
Publisher: Vintage Books
Type: New Book


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Manufacturing Consent is geared towards enlightening the readers on the practices in news media. The authors explain that editorial distortion is worsened due to the reliance of news media on governmental sources of news. They also tell the readers that a magazine or any form of media may be prevented from gaining information if they publish any information that attracts negative reactions from the government. This results in the news media organization losing their grip over their viewers or readers, which in turn decreases their advertisers. Keeping these dire consequences in mind, the editorial boards of news media businesses twist their reports to favor the government, with the sole objective of sustaining themselves in the market. Through the course of this book, the readers are provided with insights into five editorially distorting filers that are utilized in news reporting these days.

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