Obstetric Nursing is a textbook for students pursuing diploma or undergraduate degree courses in nursing. It offers a simple, concise and clear presentation of the subject and a complete collection of chapters on important aspects of obstetrics for nursing students. This book covers topics ranging from the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system to care during pregnancy, labour and the postpartum period. Diseases specific to and those occurring during pregnancy have also been dealt with, while emphasizing the role of local nursing approaches and clinical aspects. Practising nurses will also find this book useful as a reference tool.
সাফল্যের অর্থ ব্যর্থতার অনুপস্থিতি নয়; এর অর্থ চূড়ান্ত লক্ষ্যের সিদ্ধি। এর অর্থ যুদ্ধে জয়লাভ, প্রত্যেকটি লড়াইয়ে নয়।
আপনার অনেক ব্যক্তির সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ হয়েছে যারা আক্ষরিক অর্থে সারা জীবন ধরে পথভ্রষ্ট হয়েছে বা উদ্দেশ্যহীনভাবে ঘুরে বেরিয়েছে। তারা স্বাভাবিকভাবে তাদের ভাগ্যে যা আছে তাই মেনে নিয়েছে।
Today, Google is a global icon that regularly pushes the boundaries of innovation in a variety of fields. How Google Works is an entertaining, page-turning primer containing lessons that Eric and Jonathan learned as they helped build the company. The authors explain how technology has shifted the balance of power from companies to consumers, and that the only way to succeed in this ever-changing landscape is to create superior products and attract a new breed of multifaceted employees whom Eric and Jonathan dub "smart creatives."
Written in simple English and adapted for academic purposes. Text boxes on various topics such as clinical notes, supporting concepts, reflective time out, tips and skills, research examples, and biographical notes. Figures, tables and flow charts to illustrate the text. Photographs of student nurses demonstrating communication skills. Multiple-choice questions and assignment questions at the end of each chapter for discussion and learning. Simple consciousness-raising and vocabulary-enhancing word puzzles. A comprehensive glossary of terms in nursing and health care, and of the less common English words. For Instructors: PowerPoint Presentations, for students answer key for multiple-choice questions, solutions of word puzzles.
Mental Health Nursing is a textbook for students pursuing a diploma or undergraduate degree in nursing. The text provides comprehensive information on psychiatric nursing. It addresses the fundamental psychiatric nursing principles and their application to various psychiatric disorders. The section on treatment modalities covers various somatic and psychological therapies. The book goes on to address the complete continuum of care including crisis intervention, promotion of health and prevention of illness, and psychiatric rehabilitation. The focus is on the management of psychiatric emergencies and community-based treatment programmes. Practising nurses will also find this book useful as a reference.
Table of Contents
* Preface
* Chapter 1. General Principles of Anatomy and Physiology
* Chapter 2. The Cell and Tissues
* Chapter 3. The Integumentary System
* Chapter 4. The Skeletal System
* Chapter 5. The Muscular System
* Chapter 6. The Cardiovascular System
* Chapter 7. The Haematological System
* Chapter 8. The Lymphatic and Immune Systems
* Chapter 9. The Respiratory System
* Chapter 10. The Digestive System
* Chapter 11. Nutrition and Metabolism
* Chapter 12. The Urinary System
* Chapter 13. The Endocrine System
* Chapter 14. The Nervous System
* Chapter 15. The Special Senses
* Chapter 16. The Reproductive System
* Answer Key
S. V. Sawardekar, S. S. Sawant, and S. G. Bhave’s Principles of Genetics, published by International Book House, is a comprehensive book for Life Sciences/Biology students who have opted for Genetics and Genomics in various courses. It comprises of topics like: History of Genetics and its Scope, Chromosome Structure, Morphology of Eukaryotic Chromosome, Cell Division: Mitosis, Cell Division: Meiosis, Mendel and His Work, Mendel's Laws of Inheritance, Gene Interactions, Multiple Alleles, Pleiotropism, Quantitative and Qualitative Traits, Multiple Factor Hypothesis, Cytoplasmic Inheritance (Extra Nuclear Inheritance), Linkage, Crossing Over, Chromosomal Aberrations: Numerical, Chromosomal Aberrations: Structural, DNA and its Structure, RNA: Structure, Function and Type, Protein Synthesis, Gene Expression, Mutation, Methods of Sex Determination, and Sex Limited, Sex Influenced and Sex Limited Characters.
This book is meant for students of medicine and radiology, and practitioners. It has nearly 400 x-rays including some very rare ones. Both normal and abnormal x-rays are shown and analysed. The discussion of abnormal x-rays in the clinical case study format (under the headings site of disease, pathology and etiology) is the unique feature of this book. A brief quiz at the beginning and end of each section stimulate the reader and confirm understanding of the principles. A special chapter on cardiac shadows is also provided.
MCQs in Pharmacology covers all the topics in pharmacology. It contains total number of 1301 questions. These questions have been designed for self-assessment and revision. However the chief value of the book lies in the detailed explanatory text which accompanies each MCQ. This book is intended for students of pharmacy and medicine. It will also be useful in providing ideas and material for use by teaching staff and examiners. It will be especially useful for the undergraduate students of pharmacy and medicine who are preparing for postgraduate entrance examinations.
BIOS Instant Notes in Neuroscience, Third Edition, is the perfect text for undergraduates looking for a concise introduction to the subject, or a study guide to use before examinations. Each topic begins with a summary of essential facts-an ideal revision checklist-followed by a description of the subject that focuses on core information, with clear, simple diagrams that are easy for students to understand and recall in essays and exams.
It is very difficult to accurately answering questions raised in Biochemistry, nor only in the case of theory questions but practical related queries as well. This particular title contains simple, short. and accurate answers to the questions generally as
Table Of Contents
Section 1: Chemical Basis of Life
1. Subcellular Organelles
2. Amino Acids and Proteins
3. Enzymes
4. Carbohydrate Chemistry
5. Chemistry of Lipids
Section 2: Carbohydrate Metabolism
6. Glycolysis
7. Gluconeogenesis
8. Glycogenolysis
9. Minor Pathways of Carbohydrates
10. Insulin and Diabetes Mellitus
Section 3: Lipid Metabolism
11. Metabolism of Fatty Acids
12. Cholesterol Metabolism
13. PUFA and Prostaglandins
Section 4: Amino Acid Metabolism
14. General Metabolism of Amino Acids
15. Glycine Metabolism
16. Cysteine and Methionine
17. Acidic, Basic and Branched Chain
18. Metabolism of Aromatic Amino Acids
Section 5: Integration of Metabolism
19: Citric Acid Cycle
20: Electron Transport Chain
Section 6: Proteins
21. Plasma Proteins
22. Heme and Hemoglobin
Section 7: Nutrition
23. Lipid Soluble Vitamins
24. Water Soluble Vitamins
25. Mineral Metabolism
26. Energy Metabolism
Section 8: Molecular Biology
27. Nucleotides
28. DNA Replication
29. Transcription and Translation
30. Recombinant DNA Technology and Other Molecular Biology Techniques
Table of Contents
* Introduction
* Biochemical Composition of Cells
* Enzymes
* Techniques in Biochemical Studies
* Cell Architecture and Cell Organelles
* Cytoskeleton
* Cilia and Flagella
* Cell Senescence
* Protein Biosynthesis?Transcription and Translation
* Oncogenes
* Classical Genetics
* Nucleic Acids
* Chromosomes
* Cell Division
* Chromosomal Aberrations
* Sex Determination
* Cytogenetics and Human Disease
* Basic Microbial Genetics
* Mutations
* History of Microbiology
* Microscopy
* Sterilization and Disinfection
* Basis of Taxonomy
* Anatomy of the Bacterial Cell
* Immunology
* Body?s Defence Against Viruses
* Interaction between Micro-organisms
* Nitrogen Metabolism
* Photosynthesis
* Industrial Microbiology
সাপ্তাহিক ‘দেশ’ পত্রিকায় দু-বছরেরও বেশি কাল ধরে ধারাবাহিকভাবে বেরিয়েছিল ‘দূরবীন, শীর্ষেন্দু মুখোপাধ্যায়ের জোরালো, সংবেদনশীল কলমে অন্যতম মহৎ সৃষ্টি। চলমান শতাব্দীর দুইয়ের দশকের শেষ ভাগ থেকে শুরু করে আটের দশক পর্যন্ত বিস্তৃত সময়ের প্ৰেক্ষাপটে সামাজিক জীবনের যাবতীয় পরিবর্তনকে এক আশ্চর্য কৌতুহলকর বিশাল কাহিনীর মধ্য দিয়ে ধরে রাখার প্রয়াসেরই অভিনন্দিত ফলশ্রুতি ‘দূরবীন উপন্যাস। তিন প্রজন্মের এই কাহিনীতে প্রথম প্রজন্মের প্রতিভূ জমিদার হেমকান্ত। এ-উপন্যাসের সূচনায় দেখা যায়, হেমকান্তের হাত থেকে কুয়োর বালতি জলে পড়ে গেছে, আর এই আপাততুচ্ছ ঘটনায় হেমকান্ত আক্রান্ত হচ্ছেন মৃত্যুচিন্তায়। বিপত্নীক হেমকান্ত ও রঙ্গময়ী নামের প্রবল ব্যক্তিত্বসম্পন্ন এক পুরোহিত্যকন্যার, গোপন প্রণয়কাহিনী ও আনুষঙ্গিক অন্যান্য পারিবারিক কাহিনী নিয়ে এ-উপন্যাসের প্রথম পর্যায়। দ্বিতীয় প্রজন্মের নায়ক কৃষ্ণকান্ত। দেবোপম রূপ ও কঠোর চরিত্রবল বালক কৃষ্ণকান্তকে দাঁড় করিয়েছে পিতা হেমকাস্তের বিপরীত মেরুতে। স্বদেশী আন্দোলনে উদ্বুদ্ধ কৃষ্ণকাস্তের ব্ৰহ্মচর্য-গ্রহণ ও দেশভাগের পর তাঁর আমূল পরিবর্তন-এই নিয়ে এ-উপন্যাসের দ্বিতীয় পর্য়ায়ের কাহিনী। তৃতীয় ও শেষ প্রজন্মের নায়ক ধ্রুব, বিশ শতকের উপান্তপর্বে এক দিগভ্ৰষ্ট, উদ্ধত বিদ্রোহী যুবা। ধ্রুবর স্ত্রী রেমি, যার সঙ্গে এক অদ্ভুত সম্পর্ক তার। কখনও ভালবাসা, কখনও উপেক্ষা, কখনও-বা প্রবল বিরাগ। অথচ রেমির ভালোবাসা শাত-আঘাতেও অবিচল। একদিকে রেমির সঙ্গে সম্পর্ক অন্যদিকে পিতা কৃষ্ণকাস্তের মধ্যে সেই ব্ৰহ্মচারী ও স্বদেশের জন্য উৎসর্গীকৃত প্রাণসত্তাটিকে খুঁজে না-পাওয়ার ব্যর্থতায় ক্ষতবিক্ষত ধ্রুবর আশ্চর্য কাহিনী নিয়েই শেষ পর্ব।