
20 Supernatural Stories

"20 Supernatural Stories" Book CONTENTS

The House and the Brain
Edward Bulwer-Lytton 9
*The BlackCat Edgar Allan Poe 43
*The Boarded WindowAmbrose Bierce 52
*The SquawBram Stoker 57
*The Drowned ManGuy de Maupassant 68
*The Upper BerthFrancis Marion Crawford 75
*The Haunted ChairRichard Marsh 94
*The MezzotintM. R. James 110
*Deep in the ForestH. de Vere Stacpoole 121
*The WellW. W. Jacobs 133
*LukundooEdward Lucas White 144
*When I was DeadVincent O-Sullivan 157
*The Wolves of CernogratzSaki 161
*The Voice in the NightW. H. Hodgson 166
*The DiverA. J. Alan 178
*Nobodys HouseA. M. Burrage 185
*The Hell of MirrorsEdogawa Rampo 196
*W. S.L. P. Hartley 204
*Yours Truly, Jack the RipperRobert Bloch 214
*The Black FerrisRay Bradbury 232

20 Horror StoriesTarapranab Brahmachari

It was a very enjoyable task to select the 20 stories for this collection from many hundreds. It was very arduous as well, because I had to rule out many contending stories after comparing their innumerable conflicting qualities. So, finally, here we have the 20 'winners' presented before you and I assure you, I have given you my best choices. Of course, a number of famous stories, included in many such anthologies, have been carefully excluded to spare you the pains of re-reading.

Emotional Intelligence

It was an unbearably steamy August afternoon in New York City, the kind of sweaty day that makes people sullen with discomfort. I was heading back to a hotel, and as I stepped onto a bus up Madison Avenue I was startled by the driver, a middle-aged black man with an enthusiastic smile, who welcomed me with a friendly, “Hi! How you doing?" as I got on, a greeting he proffered to everyone else who entered as the bus wormed through the thick midtown traffic. Each passenger was as startled as I, and, locked into the morose mood of the day, few returned his greeting.

The Power of Positive Thinking

The purpose of this book is a very direct and simple one. It makes no pretense to literary excellence nor does it seek to demonstrate any unusual scholarship on my part. This is simply a practical, direct-action, personal-improvement manual. It is written with the sole objective of helping the reader achieve a happy, satisfying, and worthwhile life. I thoroughly and enthusiastically believe in certain demonstrated and effective principles which, when practiced, produce a victorious life. My aim is to set them forth in this volume in a logical, simple, and understandable manner so that the reader feeling a sense of need, may learn a practical method by which he can build for himself, with God's help, the kind of life he deeply desires.

A Quest for Islami Learning

Part I:
ড. সিরাজুল হক : ব্যক্তিগত ও পারিবারিক জীবন
আদর্শ শিক্ষক ডক্টর সিরাজুল হক (১৯০৫-২০০৫)
কিংবদন্তীর পুরুষ : স্মৃতি ও সাধনা
Professor Serajul Haque an I knew him
Dr. Serajul Haque and his contribution to islamic learning
Part II:
the Qur'anic Message of Universalism and Religious Pluralism
Emergence of tafsir as an independent subjecet of islaamic literature
sufism in islam
the growth of early islamic cities in the middle east
preaching of islam and dissemination of learning in medieval bengal
the eklakhi mausoleum at pandua: A landmark in muslim architecture of bengal
perso-arabic lexicographical production and islamic learning in eastern india under the afghans
dominant ideologies of medieval bengali folk literature
Islamic architecture of south asia with refernce to bangladesh
Islamic Perspective of Interfaith harmony and dialogue
Relations Between Turkey and bangladesh: historical and cultural perspectives
কতিপয় প্রচলিত ধর্ম সম্পর্কে ইসলামের দৃষ্টিভঙ্গি
শাহ্‌ ওলী উল্লাহ্‌ দিহ্‌লবীর রাজনৈতিক ও আর্থ-সামাজিক দর্শন 
উত্তরাধিকারের উৎস সন্ধানে
তারিখে খান্‌দানে কাশ্মিরিয়াহ্‌ গ্রন্থে নওয়াব খাজা আব্দুল গণি
ব্রিটিশ ভারতে ১৯৪৬ সালের নির্বাচন ও আলেম সমাজ
তিন নেতার মাজার ও এর স্থাপত্যিক বৈশিষ্ট্য
Part III:
Some aspects of tasawwuf
Islam's potential contribution to world peace
Sir hamilton gibb and his contribution to arabic
islam's attitude towards material progress 
স্মৃতিকথায় ৮১ বছর আগের ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়
Part IV:
A Glimpse of the Dr. Serajul Haque and mahzuzah haque trust fund lectures
Part V:
Some correspondence and commendations
Part VI:
Selections from serajul haque's Album

The Design of Everyday Things

In The Design of Everyday Things, the author writes about how design serves as a mode of communication between object and user. The author also provides ways of improving this communication to make the experience of using the object pleasurable. This book was published in 1988 and was initially titled The Psychology of Everyday Things. But later the author and his friends felt that the present title of the book conveyed the content of the book better. One of the major highlights of the book is that although people most often blame themselves when objects malfunction, it is not the fault of the customer but a lack of intuitive guidance which is lacking in the design. The book is packed with case studies which describe the psychology of good and bad designs along with several design principles by the author. This book will make for an interesting read for people from a wide range of disciplines including behavioral psychology, ergonomics, and design practice.