
Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines

The basic aim of this edition is to present the fundamental of Fluid Mechanics, Hydraulics and Hydraulic Machines in a simplified manner and to explain each basic concept with the help of illustrative examples. In each chapter, a summary and a large number of objective-type questions have been included. This revised edition has been enlarged to incorporate developments in the subject.

Fluid Mechanics

The book provides a well-balanced coverage of physical concepts, mathematical operations and practical demonstrations within the scope of Fluid Mechanics. The text provides a highly intuitive and practical understanding of the topics by excellent progression from physical concepts to engineering applications. The concepts have been presented in an unambiguous, precise and to the point manner. 

Key Features: 

Architecture, Programming, Interfacing of Microprocessors and Microcontrollers explained in lucid language
Hands-on approach through applications such as Traffic Control, Keyboard Interfacing, Stepper Motor Control, Seven-Segment Display, Control of Firing Circuit of a Thyristor 

Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Pressure Distribution in a Fluid
3. Integral Relations for a Control Volume
4. Differential Relation for Fluid Flow
5. Dimensional Analysis and Similarity
6. Viscous Flow in Ducts
7. Flow Past Immersed Bodies
8. Potential Flow and Computational Fluid Dynamics
9. Compressible Flow
10. Open-Channel Flow
11. Turbomachinery

Mechanics of Fluids

MECHANICS OF FLUIDS presents fluid mechanics in a manner that helps students gain both an understanding of, and an ability to analyze the important phenomena encountered by practicing engineers. The authors succeed in this through the use of several pedagogical tools that help students visualize the many difficult-to-understand phenomena of fluid mechanics. Explanations are based on basic physical concepts as well as mathematics which are accessible to undergraduate engineering students. This fourth edition includes a Multimedia Fluid Mechanics DVD-ROM which harnesses the interactivity of multimedia to improve the teaching and learning of fluid mechanics by illustrating fundamental phenomena and conveying fascinating fluid flows.

Hydraulics & Fluid Mechanics Including Hydraulics Machines

This book does not require any introduction now. we thank our readers for entitling the book as best book ever written on “ hydraulics &fluid Mechanics” Unlike other books the idea of the author was to clear the basic principles of & the student making it a professional choice The book in this seventeenth edition is entirely in SI Units and it has been thoroughly revised in the light of the valuable suggestions received from the learned professors and the students of the various Universities. Accordingly several new articles have been added. The answers of all the illustrative examples and the problems have been checked and corrected. Moreover, several new problems from the latest question papers of the different Universities as well as competitive examinations have been incorporated. Thus it may be emphatically stated that the book is complete in all respects and it covers the entire syllabus in this subject for degree students in the different branches of engineering for almost all the Universities. Therefore this Single Book fulfills the entire needs of the students intending to appear at the various University Examinations and also for those intending to appear at the various competitive examinations such as engineering services and the ICS examinations and for those preparing for AMIE examinations. Unlike other books this book clears the basic principles of the reader.

Microwave Devices and Circuits

An ideal text and a ready reference on the latest in microwave electronic technology, this book provides a unified presentation of microwave solid-state devices, microwave tubes and microwave circuits. This Third Edition has been extensively revised to better reflect modern advances in microwave technology. The text is ideal for microwaves or microwave engineering physical electronics microwave electronics courses.

Communications & Microwave Engineering

Pozar's new edition of microwave engineering includes more material on active circuits, noise, nonlinear effects, and wireless systems. Chapters on noise and nonlinear distortion, and active devices have been added along with the coverage of noise and more material on intermodulation distortion and related nonlinear effects.

Microwave Engineering

The book is written for the student of Electronics and Communication Engineering with an aim to provide the basic concepts in simple manner. The book Microwave Engineering starts from the introduction to microwaves followed by a quick review of Maxwell's equate.

Project Management Handbook

Project Manager's Handbook uses industry-specific examples to demonstrate how project management principles are used throughout the industrial world to launch, manage, and execute projects.

Table of Contents:
Section 1: Shelter and Conveyance Construction
Section 2: Defense and Aerospace
Section 3: Financial Support
Section 4: Development of Natural Resources
Section 5: Computers & Communication
Section 6: Power: Electricity and Gas Generation and Distribution
Section 7: Media and Entertainment
Section 8: Things That Move
Section 9: Government
Section 10: Health Care
Section 11: Information Systems/Technology
Section 12: Educational Systems
Section 13: Organizational Renewal

গ্রোথ হ্যাকিং মার্কেটিং

যেকোনো নতুন উদ্যোক্তার যন্ত্রণার আরেক নাম মার্কেটিং। আমাদের দেশে এটি অনেক বড় সমস্যা। কারণ আমাদের উদ্যোক্তারা কষ্টেসৃষ্টে নিজের পণ্য বা সেবাটি কোনো রকমে তৈরি করতে পারেন। বেশির ভাগ বিনিয়োগকারীই তাকে ফিরিয়ে দেন, একটি পর্যায় পর্যন্ত যেতে না পারলে। আবার একটা নির্দিষ্ট মাত্রায় যেতে হলেও তার বিপণনের ব্যাপক প্রয়োজন। মার্কেটিংয়ের ফান্ডের অভাবে বেচারা তখন পড়ে যান বিপদে। এ থেকে উত্তরণের একটা উপায় হলো মার্কেটিংয়ের ব্যাপারটাকে নিজের পণ্য বা সেবার সাথে যুক্ত করে ফেলা। এমনভাবে কাজটা করা, যাতে কম খরচে, এমনকি ন্যূনতম খরচে যেন মার্কেটিং করা যায়।
গ্রোথ হ্যাকিং হলো এমন একটি মার্কেটিং-পদ্ধতি, যার সঠিক ব্যবহার, শুধু নবীন উদ্যোক্তা নন, প্রতিষ্ঠিত উদ্যোক্তাদেরও গ্রোথ বাড়াতে সহায়তা করে। কোনো কোনো সময় এটি একেবারে নিঃখরচায়ও করা যায়।
এ বইটি সে রকম মার্কেটিং-পদ্ধতির একটা বই। দেশ-বিদেশের নানান উদাহরণ দিয়ে এখানে ব্যাখ্যা করা হয়েছে কীভাবে একজন উদ্যোক্তা তার উদ্যোগের সম্প্রসারণে এই পদ্ধতি ব্যবহার করতে পারবেন। বইটির কলেবর খুবই ছোট। কিন্তু কাজে লাগাতে পারলে এ বইটি হয়ে উঠবে উদ্যোক্তার মার্কেটিংয়ের অব্যর্থ অস্ত্র।

শরবতে বাজিমাত

এটি তিন পাগল, কেমব্রিজ গ্র্যাজুয়েটের শরবত বিক্রির গল্প। এই তিন পাগল শরবত বেঁচে এখন প্রত্যেকেই প্রশান্ত মহাসাগরে একটি করে দ্বীপের মালিক। ব্যক্তিগত বিমানও আছে। তবে, এটি তাদের গড়ে ওঠার কাহিনী, যার সঙ্গে মিল খুঁজে পাওয়া যাবে আমাদের দেশের যে কোন উদ্যোক্তার। ব্যাংকে ঘুরতে ঘুরতে জুতার তলা ক্ষয়ে ফেলা, সবার কাছ থেকে ক্রমাগত না শোনার কাহিনী। কিন্তু শেষ পর্যন্ত তাদের বিজয়েরই গল্প।

পড়ো পড়ো পড়ো

সময়টা ছিল বাংলাদেশের জন্য ক্রান্তিকাল। সেই সময়ে বাংলাদেশে পোশাকশিল্পের বিকাশ শুরু হয়। সেই বিকাশের সঙ্গে সঙ্গে শুরু হয় দেশে পুঁজির গঠন। ফলে অনুমতি দেওয়া হয় বেসরকারি ব্যাংকের। আর এর বিকাশের জন্য চালু হয় আইবিএ। এভাবেই আমাদের সমাজে এক নতুন পরিবর্তন সূচিত হয়।
এরশাদ আমলের বেশির ভাগ সময় ছাত্রদের কেটেছে রাজপথে, গণতান্ত্রিক অধিকার আদায়ের সংগ্রামে। আর ঠিক সে সময়ে রাস্তা থেকে রাস্তায়, লাইব্রেরি থেকে লাইব্রেরিতে পড়ার জন্য ঘুরে বেড়াতেন লেখক। কখনো রাতের নাশতার টাকা বাঁচিয়ে, কখনো রিকশার খরচ বাঁচিয়ে নিজের একটা জগৎ বানানোর চেষ্টা করেছেন মুনির হাসান। এ বইটা তার নিজেকে খুঁজে ফেরার প্রথম পর্ব— আত্মানুসন্ধানের কাহিনি।

One Night @ the Call Center

"One Night @ The Call Center is a book that covers the lives of six call center employees working for Connexions, a call center located in Gurgaon. In the beginning of the book, the readers are presented with a frame story describing a train journey, during which the author meets a girl who desires to tell him a story. However, there was one condition that he had to adhere to if he wanted to hear the story. This condition specified that he had to base his second book on the story. The book talks about how the employees receive a phone call from God during their work timings at the call center. The characters in this novel include Radhika, Esha, Shyam, Priyanka, Varun, and Military Uncle. These six characters are deeply disturbed by the events taking place in their own lives, and choose to focus on their problems rather than trying to find a way out of them. In this book, Bhagat throws light on the lives of the individuals in present day India, who are residing in the metro cities. The language utilized by the author is simple, and contains witty remarks on urban culture and relationships. The author makes use of words that are associated with that region in the country, thereby increasing the readability of this book. One Night @ The Call Center was published in 2005 and received a favourable response. The book was adapted into a movie that was released in 2008, titled Hello, starring Salman Khan, Arbaaz Khan, Sohail Khan, Amrita Arora, Gul Panag, and a host of other actors. "

Business Adventures

"What do the $350 million Ford Motor Company disaster known as the Edsel, the fast and incredible rise of Xerox, and the unbelievable scandals at General Electric and Texas Gulf Sulphur have in common? Each is an example of how an iconic company was defined by a particular moment of fame or notoriety; these notable and fascinating accounts are as relevant today to understanding the intricacies of corporate life as they were when the events happened. Stories about Wall Street are infused with drama and adventure and reveal the machinations and volatile nature of the world of finance. Longtime New Yorker contributor John Brooks’s insightful reportage is so full of personality and critical detail that whether he is looking at the astounding market crash of 1962, the collapse of a well-known brokerage firm, or the bold attempt by American bankers to save the British pound, one gets the sense that history repeats itself. Five additional stories on equally fascinating subjects round out this wonderful collection that will both entertain and inform readers . . . Business Adventures is truly financial journalism at its liveliest and best."

The 80/20 principle

Did you know, for example, that 20 percent of customers account for 80 percent of revenues? That 20 percent of our time accounts for 80 percent of the work we accomplish? The 80/20 Principle shows how we can achieve much more with much less effort, time, and resources, simply by identifying and focusing our efforts on the 20 percent that really counts. Although the 80/20 principle has long influenced today's business world, author Richard Koch reveals how the principle works and shows how we can use it in a systematic and practical way to vastly increase our effectiveness, and improve our careers and our companies.

How to Win Friends and Influence People

" You can go after the job you want—and get it!

You can take the job you have—and improve it!

You can take any situation—and make it work for you!

Dale Carnegie’s rock-solid, time-tested advice has carried countless people up the ladder of success in their business and personal lives. One of the most groundbreaking and timeless bestsellers of all time, How to Win Friends & Influence People will teach you:

-Six ways to make people like you

-Twelve ways to win people to your way of thinking

-Nine ways to change people without arousing resentment

And much more! Achieve your maximum potential—a must-read for the twenty-first century with more than 15 million copies sold! "