Quick Review Series for BDS 1st Year is a comprehensive book for undergraduate first-year students of dental sciences. The book comprises of chapters on general anatomy, general histology, embryology, physiology, biochemistry, dental anatomy, and oral histology. In addition, the book consists of a collection of questions from last 20 years, diagrams, and multiple choice questions for thorough practice and revision. This book is essential for students pursuing dentistry from medical colleges of India.
Following the latest clinical guidelines and evidence, written and reviewed by experts, this handbook will ensure you are up to date and have the confidence to deal with all emergency presentations, practices, and procedures. In line with the latest developments in the field, such as infection control, DNR orders, advanced directives and learning disability, the book also includes new sections specifically outlining patient advice and information, as well as new and revised vital information on paediatrics and psychiatry. For all junior doctors, specialist nurses, paramedics, clinical students, GPs and other allied health professionals, this rapid-reference handbook will become a vital companion for both study and practice.
Introducing the first four volumes in McGraw-Hill's exciting new Clinical Medicine Series. Their unrelenting emphasis on the patient makes the Clinical Medicine Sereis a valuable addition for anyone in the primary care setting, the hospital, or the ambulatory care setting. Their affordable price, easy-to-read design, and internationally-renowned authorship gives the Series a unique place in the literature.
Keith L. Moore, T. V. N. Persaud, and Mark G. Torchia’s The Developing Human Brain: Clinically Oriented Embryology, published by Elsevier, is a comprehensive book for medical students, specializing in the subject. It includes access to unique animations! The book comprises of various topics in embryology, along with a large number of detailed illustrations, explained in simple and lucid language for better comprehension.
চল্লিশ-চল্লিশটা বছর ধরে এই আমাদের সাথেই ছিল তার ওঠাবসা। জন্মের পর আমাদের শিশু-বাচ্চাদের মতােই সে বেদুইনদের ঘরে বড় হলাে, হাঁটতে শেখার পর এই আমাদেরই মাঠে-প্রান্তরে মেষ চড়ালাে, বয়স আরেকটু বাড়তেই তার চাচার কাফেলায় বাণিজ্য করতে সিরিয়া গেল—ঠিক যেভাবে আমরা যাই। আমাদেরই মেয়ে খাদীজাকে বিয়ে করে সংসারী হলাে, আমাদেরই ঘরে নিজের মেয়ের বিয়ে দিল—একদম আমাদের কাছের মানুষ ছিল এই মুহাম্মাদ।
Since 1971, Pakistan has evolved into a praetorian state plagued by army interventions and corrupt civilian governments. Nevertheless, the tunnel-vision of General Musharraf triggered a political implosion in 2007, and widespread dismay over the assassination of Benzir Bhutto has led Pakistanis to vote overwhelmingly for unfettered civilian rule and the diminishment of religious parties. In contrast, the Bangladesh Army seems intent on returning control to civilians, having remained averse to power for the past seventeen years. Furthermore, Bangladeshi society isn’t nearly as Islamicized as Pakistan’s, though Jihadi groups stand ready to exploit the government’s weaknesses. Milliam takes a hard look at the political and religious realities of both countries, especially the al-Qaeda-linked jihadi networks that threaten to permanently turn Pakistan into an ideological state. He also considers Islam’s undeniable influence on the culture of both societies, and, in turn, the influence of these cultures on the tone and expression of Islam.
‘মুজিব ছিলেন কৌশলী, তিনি চেয়েছিলেন তার ন্যায্য অধিকার। অপরদিকে ভুট্টো ছিলেন একরােখা, ক্ষমতার জন্য পাগলপ্রায় এবং এই ভুট্টোই মূলত: পাকিস্তান ধ্বংস করেছেন। একাত্তরে ভুট্টো যেসব কথা বলেছেন, যে গােয়ার্তুমি করেছেন পাকিস্তানের সংহতি বিনষ্টে নিঃসন্দেহে তা ছিল শেখ মুজিবের ছয় দফার তুলনায় অনেক বেশি আত্মঘাতী। তখন ক্ষমতালিপ্সায় ভুট্টো এতটাই পাগল হয়ে উঠেছিলেন যে, এক পাকিস্তানে দুই প্রধানমন্ত্রী তত্ত্ব দাঁড় করাতেও তিনি জেদ ধরেছিলেন। তাঁর উচ্চাভিলাষ এবং একরােখা ও কঠিন মনােভাবের কারণেই পূর্ব পাকিস্তানে বিদ্রোহের আগুন জ্বলে উঠেছিল এবং বাঙালির মন বিষিয়ে তুলেছিল। আর এসব কারণেই পাকিস্তানের সংহতি ধরে রাখা যায়নি। পাকিস্তান থেকে পূর্ব পাকিস্তান আলাদা হয়ে যায়।
Tajuddin Ahmad’s place in Bangladesh’s political narrative was assured when he formed the very first Bengali government in history in April 1971. But it was no surprise that he acted the way he did, for as Bangabandhu’s close, perhaps the closest, colleague, he was aware of what needed to be done in that hour of peril. His deep grasp of politics, his understanding of the workings of the forces of history and his courage in the face of adversity were shaped through years of studies of politics and observations of human nature. But, again, if Tajuddin’s moment of glory came through his leadership of the War of Liberation in the inspirational light of the incarcerated Father of the Nation, his despair manifested itself in his efforts to beat back those who undermined him to no end. Yet the intellectual in him refused to throw in the towel until it became rather uncomfortable for him to bear the pressure any longer. He walked away from power and soon was compelled by sinister men to walk into prison, from where he and his Mujibnagar colleagues would not emerge alive. Tajuddin Ahmad was Bangladesh’s socialist dream. A nightmare soon killed the dream. He made a difference in 1971. And he was cut down in 1975. This is the story of a statesman who goes on being our reason for pride.
The idea of exploitation is centrally important in Marx. For Elster, the importance of exploitation in Marxism is two fold. First: the presence of exploitation in a society provides a ground for normative criticism that exploitation is wrong and exploiters are morally condemnable and hence, it ought to be abolished. Secondly: exploitation can provide the exploited with a ground for taking individual or collective action against the system and therefore enters into the explanation of such action. That is, Marx's